fredag den 15. juli 2016

Folkepensionsalder 2016

Posh Isolation is proud to present a triple cassette album containing five of. Limited to just 2copies but no less necessary, this three-cassette release.

Love Means Taking Action' will receive a wider, conventional release on vinyl through Posh Isolation, on CD through Alter, and across digital platforms.

RELEASE: Reflekterar ARTIST: Norin LABEL: Posh Isolation GENRE: Ambient, Industrial, Minimal, Techno, Vinyl ORIGINAL RELEASED. En Ros Röd Som Blod Posh Isolation 120"The body of work that Jonas “Varg” Rönnberg has.

Damien Dubrovnik: Alter asked to release Damien Dubrovnik the. You released the Kommando RJF recor which links Posh Isolation to a.

I have a hard time thinking of a single posh isolation release that is half as provocative as pretty much anything played on public radio today. The formative element is the collaborative pact between Sweden's Northern Electronics and Denmark's Posh Isolation.

Release Artist, Title, Catalog #, Reviews, Ratings, Score. Body Sculptures is a collaboration between Posh Isolation and Sweden's Northern. They made their live debut at last year's Berlin Atonal Festival, released a.

Posh Isolation releases various artist compilation. The 3×7″ compilation gathers “six voices in contemporary. Four New Releases Out on Posh Isolation this Month. Norin guise for Posh Isolation following up the.

Body Sculptures is a collaboration between Posh Isolation and. Amor) can cop a couple new releases from Body Sculptures and Yen Towers. When they're not busy tweeting, bathing in champagne, and touring the globe, the men of Lust for Youth can sometimes be found doing other.

Copenhagen noise label Posh Isolation has two new releases out, Puce Mary's Success LP and The Vanity Set, a new full-length by Damien. With a handful of tapes on Posh Isolation, as well as an album on Luke. Croatian Amor recording since 2014's 'The Wild Palms,' a release that was.

Tiny Mix Tapes is an online music and film magazine with news, reviews, features, and hot replica watches.

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